Dec. 4, 2024

Comfort Films 129: Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

Comfort Films 129: Bridget Jones's Diary (2001)

We're kicking off a month of non-traditional holiday films with Bridget Jones's Diary, welcoming back guests Kate Duffy and Danny Zeliger to discuss this Sex and the City meets Pride and Prejudice chick flick classic. We talk about the scandal of casting Texas-born Renee Zellweger as a definitively British character, Colin Firth's re-envisioning of his BBC Mr. Darcy as the modern Mark Darcy, Hugh Grant's pitch-perfect though (at the time) against-type portrayal of sleazy Daniel Cleaver, Helen Fielding's brilliant choice to re-imagine Jane Austen in the contemporary era, the movie's perfect balance of humor and romance, John's personal adventures in cooking blue soup, the importance of someone liking you just as you are, and how all four of us see this film as a perfect watch for the Christmas-to-New Year holiday timeframe. Throw on your best reindeer jumper, fill your plate with turkey curry, and give us a listen!

Kate Duffy Profile Photo

Kate Duffy


Kate Duffy is a licensed clinical social worker who lives in New York with her husband, very weird cats, and perfect human baby. Kate is lucky to be a longtime fan of John and Georgia and fan of the podcast.

Danny Zeliger Profile Photo

Danny Zeliger

Danny Zeliger is a high school English teacher in New York. His friendship with Macey’s began many years ago when they all worked on a production of The Taming of the Shrew. They bonded over silly jokes, good music, and Nicolas Cage, and they have been great friends ever since.