Oct. 7, 2022

Comfort Films 49: They Live

Comfort Films 49: They Live

It's scary season, and this year, we've decided to focus on a series of horror films from a director we love in the genre, John Carpenter.  For the first in the series, we're taking a closer look at They Live, the 1988 sci-fi action horror film about our evil alien overlords and the drifter hero who brings them down.  We discuss the handling of serious themes like homelessness and rampant consumerism, Carpenter's DIY filmmaking style, pro wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper's surprisingly nuanced performance as John Nada, the ubiquitous and uber-talented Keith David's role as the definitive alien-fighting sidekick, long street fights between friends, and the importance of having a healthy disrespect for authority.  Put on the sunglasses of truth and join the revolution with us!

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Nov. 3, 2023

Comfort Films 98: The Amusement Park (1975)

“The grotesque has never really affected or frightened me. I guess it’s real-life stuff that frightens me much more.” (George A. Romero) In this special bonus horror episode, John and Georgia are pleased to welcome Ryan Carr...

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Nov. 18, 2023

Comfort Films 100: The Birdcage (1996)

It's our 100th episode!! To celebrate, we welcome back one of our earliest guests, the great Kate Duffy, to discuss a film that has been our number one requested comfort film over the course of the show. We talk about …

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Dec. 8, 2023

Comfort Films 102: Interview with Writer/Director/Composer John Harri…

In this special episode, John and Georgia spoke with writer, director, producer, composer, actor and all-around fine, upstanding Pennsylvanian, John Harrison. We discuss his 2023 novel, Passing Through Veils, which combines e...

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Feb. 23, 2024

Comfort Films 108: Sense and Sensibility (1995)

For the second episode of our Jane Austen adaptations month, we welcome first-time guest and world class soprano Jessica Sandidge to discuss her top comfort pick, Sense and Sensibility! This film was Emma Thompson's first fea...

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