Oct. 31, 2022

Comfort Films 52: Prince of Darkness/In the Mouth of Madness

Comfort Films 52: Prince of Darkness/In the Mouth of Madness

To close out our four weeks of John Carpenter horror, we decided to watch him end the world not once, but twice!  Both of these films (two and three in Carpenter's apocalypse trilogy, which started out with The Thing, our film from last week) involve questioning reality as we know it.  In Prince of Darkness, we go way below the surface of this evil-takes-over film to explore the intersection of religion and science, theoretical physics, and if it's possible to prove the existence of objective reality.  And of course, Alice Cooper stabbing a dude with a bike frame.  With In the Mouth of Madness, we explore the creator as destroyer, whether insanity is merely a problem of perception, and the influence of Lovecraft's cosmic evils on modern horror.  This was a satisfying wrap-up worthy of Carpenter's complex visions, so prepare for the coming of Cthulu by giving us a listen!